Friday, August 31, 2007


Thank goodness its Friday. This week has been a struggle. I haven't felt like working. I'm dying for my Monday break. This weekend Craig and I will have my nephew Wesley staying with us. Weather willing we will be heading to Geauga Lake to do some waters slides and rides. I have to admit I'm excited to go. I've never been to Geauga Lake, but it looks nice. I can get discount tickets through work which makes it even nicer. This is also Steeler Season kickoff/Rib Fest on the North Shore. We have been taking jogs along the river and smelling the wonderful grills getting warmed up for this weekend. YUM! I love Ribs. I'll be sure to include pics later of our party weekend. Also - I will be blogging later about our fleas. Yes, fleas. We have all hardwood floors and no pets, but we have fleas. LOVELY. And they have successfully chewed up my feet and legs. Gross. We've fogged our house a couple of times and we are hoping that does the trick. More to come...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

First Day in the Blogosphere

Well, I've joined the blogging world. I've really enjoyed keeping updated by reading other blogs. Not sure how this blog will take shape, but I'm sure it will probably involve my husband, my family, or my friends - 3 of the most important things in my life.

Work has been REALLY REALLY crazy lately. We've lost 3 staff in the course of week - so we are down to 2 recruiters for the entire hospital. I think I made 40 offers in one week... that is a record! I've survived with peanut M&Ms and dibs! I LOVE DIBS! Needless to say - I've added some cushion to the tush. Not fun! Craig and I are trying really hard to have a healthier lifestyle... I'm laughing as I type that. Just thought I'd include some pics of my neices and nephews. Wesley and Iris at Halloween and Trent and Chayselynn at Christmas - soooooo cute!!

Hopefully, I'll have some more interesting blogs in the future....