Much time has elapsed and I haven't blogged which means there has been a lot that has happened and I probably won't even remember half of it...
September 10, 2008 - Craig and I celebrate 3 years of married life. We celebrated by going to see Wicked in Pittsburgh - I saw the show in NYC and it was great so definitely wanted Craig to see it. He liked it as well. I though NYC cast was better, but Pgh show was very good.
September 22, 2008 - Noah hit the 1 month mark!! Hard to believe 1 month has gone by already.
Noah has had two play dates w/ his girlfriends. I'll post pictures. First playdate was with Lily and the second date was with Bella. Bella was born on the same day as Noah.
Nothing can prepare you for having a child. You learn to do a lot with one hand and you don't ever get a break. I struggled with many postpartum depression symptoms at the beginning but I am glad to say that I'm pretty much back to normal. I still have teary times, but I'm must more settled being a mother. I think it also helps that Noah and Craig sleep in Noah's room so I can get some solid chunks of sleep. Both are very noisey sleepers so its nice to have a quiet bedroom to myself. :) Our little man is growing up - i'll post pictures because they are more fun.