Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Its the day after Christmas and no one is at work. No emails, no phone calls, no one is stirring. If I sit here too long I soon will be snoring. Yes, it is really dead at work. It might even be more dead than it was on Christmas Eve. Crazy. Its only 8:46am and I feel like I've put an entire day in already. I guess you have to enjoy these days amongst the typical chaos.

Christmas was a WONDERFUL day. It couldn't have been better. I woke up really excited to open presents - I almost felt like a little kid. Craig got me an umbrella, leather gloves, a Natasha Benningfield CD, new shoes (Clarkes- the best!), and a BEAUTIFUL diamond band. He's a good good man.

Craig and I went to see National Teasure (the 2nd one). Good, clean flick. Its nice not to be bombarded with boobies and the F bomb every 3 seconds. A nice suprise - the tickets were only $5.00!! We splurged and ate lunch there - our day old hot dogs w/ crusty buns and nachos with fake cheese only cost 20 bucks! That is so crazy, but we had fun.

After the movie I had a phone call from Wesley - he was waiting at Grandma's house for our arrival and he told "Greta, I've already opened my stocking because you are taking too long." We arrived at Grandma's and the wrapping paper starting ripping. I think Wes and Iris had a good Christmas too. After Iris opened a present she would instantly say Help, please - Help, Please. She wanted the toys out of the box asap. So cute.

Then Craig and I tromped home and wore off the Christmas buzz by watching "Home Alone" (good classic Christmas movie).