The ultrasound experience was absolutely amazing! Baby Wicks would kick or move and while I was feeling it inside of me I was watching it on the screen. So cool. Baby Wicks waved to us, sucked his/her thumb, and had hiccups. It was the most precious thing I've ever experienced. I had officially decided that I was NOT going to find out the gender and Craig was going to find out the gender, but Baby Wicks had other things in mind. He/She sat Indian style w/ legs crossed and let no one see what he/she was hiding underneath the legs. It was kind of funny. I have two still pictures to share. One is a profile shot - Craig thinks the baby has his nose. The other is of the baby sucking his/her thumb! I'm hoping to get a clip of the video we have from the ultrasound up on here, but we'll see if technology cooperates.