Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Girls Girls Girls
Yesterday I found out that another one of my friends is having a girl. So the offical count is 2 girls, 1 boy, and 1 unknown. Its funny because the middle name for both girls is going to be Grace. Very popular. Craig and I still have not officially agreed on names. We both really liked a boy's name, but recently it has become very popular and I always wanted my kids to have some uniqueness to their name like I had growing up. I like a girl's name and so far I haven't heard of anyone naming their child that - so we'll see if it lasts until September 1st. Middle names are a whole other issue. I'd like to use family names for middle names, but some first names don't go with the middle names I want to use. Its all so complicated. I'm still getting mixed predictions as to the gender of our little bundle of joy. Craig is insisting it is a boy. My mom has flipped flopped between boy and girl. Iris is insisting it is a "guurrrrlll." I love the way she pronounces it. Wes used to say girl and now he is saying boy - I think just to keep Craig on his side. And I'm leaning towards girl - although I haven't had any strong feelings either way. As much as I would love to have a name picked out and the room decorated just so - I kind of like the mystery in not knowing. It gives a whole other element of suprise to relate to people when the baby is born. And I'm getting used to all the green in the baby's room. Its still so amazing that this little miracle is growing inside of me.